
Wednesday 14 May 2014

1.78 Being there

The long drive to campus was hard for Kay, she had rung Mathew several times but could never bring herself to tell him on the phone that she was pregnant so decided to tell him in person. The moment she pulled up to the dormitory it had started to rain, she quickly ran inside to take cover and thought, ‘Someone somewhere is trying to tell me something.

Kay sat in the living area after texting Mathew that she had arrived and waited. When she saw Matt, she burst into tears and he hugged her. “Please tell me you and Jake are still together?” As she stayed in his arms she nodded a yes. 

Suddenly Mathew heard some mumbling but couldn’t understand her so he sat her down and calmly asked, “Sis, what is it?”

“Promise me you won’t tell Dad or Tracy yet?” Matt was shocked but agreed.
“I’m pregnant and Jake asked me to marry him.” Matt was silent, trying to take all the information in then finally asked, “Do you want this baby?”
“I was shocked at first and said some horrible things to Jake but I love him and I really do want this baby.” Matt again was silent. He then replied, “Then I’m happy for you and Jake. He does know right?”
“He does…we are engaged too.” Matt firmly said, “Engaged, baby…you have to tell Dad…”
“I know but other than Jake I wanted you to know first. Charlie is still up all hours.”

“Mum has asked me to come home this weekend so she can get some sleep. Dad is working this weekend but then he has the next few weekends off.” Kay suddenly thought about Hazel and asked, “Will Hazel be ok with me having a baby, I mean I know she really wants to be a Mum.”
“Haz will be fine just please tell her.” Kay noticed Matt was looking uncomfortable and asked, “You and Hazel are ok, right?”
“We are…it’s just her Mum is coming to visit and Kirsten even said she is a bitch. It a flying visit, I hope.”
“She’ll love you…”
“According to Hazel unless I have a Zimmer frame and I’m about to die then apparently she hates me.” Kay laughed slightly and finally said, “You will get through this, I know you.”

Kay found Hazel reading. She sat by her and said, “Can we talk?” Hazel looked up and smiled as she asked, “Sure, what’s up?”

“I wanted to tell you myself but I have just told Matt, I’m expecting a baby in 8 months.” Hazel just stared at her but said, “I’m pleased for you…”
“You’re not upset?

“Is that what you thought…I do want a baby but we have agreed to wait!” 

Kay hugged her and whispered, “Thanks, Haz.”

When Kay left Hazel burst into tears, she couldn’t stop. Hazel loved being at university but deep down all she wanted to be was a stay at home Mum. When Matt walked in she tried to cover up her tears but he knew what it was about, “Haz, it will be your turn soon enough.”

Through the tears she replied, “I know this is stupid but I’m so broody. I keep expecting a call any day now from Kirsten saying she is expecting. This sounds daft but I was hoping Kirsten and I would be pregnant together so we could be there for each other and have play dates for our kids.”
“You are not stupid or daft Hazel.” 

Matt wiped away her tears away and said, “Now about your Mum coming. I am not letting her bully us into separating.”
“She will try to convince me that…” Matt put his finger on her lips and softly said, “Hazel, do you still want to marry me?”
“Yes of course I do.”
“If your Mum sees that expression and those words then she will have to get used to it. What are your plans next summer?” Hazel looked at Matt weirdly and said with caution, “Do what most girls do in the summer I guess, lay on the beach and get a sun tan and be lying next to you why?” Matt smiled and asked, “How would you about being on the beach but not getting a sun tan but getting married instead?” Hazel looked blank for a moment or two then asked in almost a whisper, “You really mean it?”
Matt smiled at her, “I thought before we start our final year here it would be nice to get married. Besides I told Dad and Uncle Estevan we would get married when we were ready.” 

Hazel started kissing him and with excitement in her voice, “OMG, I have to tell Kirsten and there is a lot to prepare…” 

Suddenly he heard a scream as Hazel was on the phone to Kirsten and all he could hear was both girls. He heard Kirsten shout, “Andy, Hazel is getting married next year. They finally set a date.”
When the call finished Hazel hugged him hard and said, “You are sure right?” Matt tilted his head a little and said, “No I’ve changed my mind,” The look on Hazel was horror until Matt added, “Babe, you so easy to whind up, of course I’m marrying you…” 

He pulled her close as he continued, “and if you want to wear that bikini that you wore on our first date then I won’t mind because you have no idea how far I wanted to go that day until we were rudely interrupted.”
“Typical male, well for your information I’ll be wearing a wedding dress.” 

Matt kissed her and slyly replied, “Pity.” 


  1. Kay had better tell others soon, it will only be a little time before they all start to guess anyway.
    Hazel put on her jealous hat there for a bit and then Matt gave her another toy. Yeah, little down on Hazel still... She's too needy.

    1. Zhippidy,

      Kay is just getting used to the idea as it was a shock. Hazel is just broody and you still hate her :(, I wouldn't say she is needy just jealous.

      Thanks for reading :)

  2. Hazel needs to relax, and just be happy that she has a wonderful man by her side. Baby will happen when the time is right.

    1. Val,

      Hazel does need to chill out for a bit lol.

      Thanks for reading :)

  3. nice chapter! :)

    married in a bikini.... LOL!!!!!! Men. /rolls eyes smiling
