
Wednesday 10 October 2012

1.3 I think I found him

Sitting at the blackjack table Matt was prepared to lose some money tonight. He had taken the boys advice and only took a small amount with him. Andrew and Jake took their places at the table and they placed their bets. Kirsten and Hazel decided to get a drink rather than watch the guys lose.

"So what do you think of Matt now you have met him?" Kirsten asked
"He's nice."
"Nice! That's it, come on Haz. You and I are talking about the same guy right?" Kirsten exclaimed.
"The first time we come face to face and he snaps at me so...yeah he's just nice."

"If you say so but I think you are hiding something from me. I'm going to check Jakey isn't gambling all his money away. Are you coming?"
"I'll stay here for a bit and finish my drink."

Hazel could hear the excitement and heartache coming from the table as the boys either won or lost. She left the bar to find a more comfortable seat. Hazel was enjoying a moment's peace when someone sat next to her.

"Hay sorry about snapping at you earlier."
"It's ok. You haven't run out of money already?"
Matt laughed and said, "No but Kirsten won't leave me alone."
"Yeah, well she won't leave you alone because she likes you." sounding irritated by talking about Kirsten.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"No not at all. Why is it, every guy in this town comes to me and talks about Kirsten? If you have a problem with her, here is an idea...Tell her not me!" Hazel shouted and stormed off before Matt could say anything else.
Andrew saw Hazel leave and decided to go after her. "Hazel wait there!" She stopped but said, "Andrew I'm now in the best of moods, I just need to be on my own."

"Bull, look sit here and talk to me."
"As soon as Matt talked about Kirsten I snapped at him. He must think I'm awful."
"What happened last night?"
"I got dumped again. I'm never going to find a nice guy. Do you know what the bastard said to me, I'm too young to be tied to just one woman, I need to explore my options?"
"Hazel I am sorry. Look I know you are hurting but Matt didn't do anything."
"I know..."
Andrew interrupted her and asked, "Do you like Matt?"
"He's good looking but so far the conversation he and I have had are not good as we snap at each other."
"You're afraid if Kirsten gets him then that's it."
"Remember the last guy she got? When she finished with him he left town."
"Yeah I remember Paul but he was nothing like Matt."
"She'll just ruin him and he will change."
Matt finally caught up to them, "Look I didn't mean to upset you, Hazel."

"It's not you it's Kirsten. I love her but you are not the only one to complain about her behaviour."
"I didn't mean to...look I won't bend your ear about her again ok."
"I promise not to yell at you again." smiling slightly at Mathew. Andrew asked if they were going back to the casino but Matt told Andrew he wasn't really the gambling type and wanted to get some sleep. Andrew went back towards the casino leaving Hazel and Matt to walk home.

Hazel sat on the sofa and asked, "It must have really hurt you to leave her?"
Matt just looked at the floor, "Snowie hasn't called and won't answer the phone to me, I just wish she understood that I'm sorry."
Hazel could see how hurt he was and said, "Wow here is a guy really upset and yet the guy that dumps me couldn't be happier. I know I shouldn't say this but I just wish my ex was just as upset as you right now."
Matt looked up and faced her and replied, "You will find someone soon; I know you will. Listen I'm tired, see you in the morning?"

Hazel watched as he walked out the room and whispered to herself, 'I think I just found him.'


  1. This was such an insightful update!

    1. Val,

      Never thought of it like that.

      Thanks for reading :)

  2. Hazel has had a rough time it seems. I hope she doesn't get her hopes too high on finding the right guy. Matthew is still caring for Snowie, Hazel's attachment will probably lead to more heartache.

    1. Zhippidy,

      Matt is still upset over Snowie even though he broke up with her. Hazel just doesn't want her friend Kirsten to ruin Matt.

      You could be right, heartache may follow but I hope not.

      Thanks for reading :)

  3. Replies
    1. Pixx,

      I hope she has too.

      Thanks for reading :)

  4. Hazel is sweet. Now I don't know who I want for him. Snowie or Hazel. I still don't like the way he just left it til the very end before he told Snowie. Yeah, I know I know. But still.

    Kirsten needs a personal appliance for Christmas this year methinks.

    1. Mypalsim,

      The way he left things were not ideal but I think he regrets that. I'm glad Hazel is growing on people.

      Kirsten everyone still hates or dislikes poor Kirsten.

      Thanks for reading :)
