
Wednesday 23 October 2013

1.54 Trouble in Paradise

Two weeks later

Spencer was relaxing on the sofa when Tracy crept up behind him. He leant back and she kissed his forehead, “What are you thinking about?” Spencer pulled her around the sofa and sat her on his lap, “I was thinking how quiet it is around here.”

“Yes well I was thinking…” Then they heard Mathew’s voice, “Mum, Dad are you in?” They didn’t have to respond as he turned the corner seeing them sitting together on the sofa. They both got up when they saw Kay with Mathew.

Spencer looked at Kay who was looking at the floor and asked, “What’s happened?” Kay ran straight into Spencer’s arms, “He came back…” 

Spencer looked at Mathew and asked, “Who came back?”

Mathew looked angry as he tried to hold his temper so not to frighten Kay, “Her Dad came back.” Spencer’s eyes narrowed as his anger built up but quietly he asked, “Kay, sweetheart; did he do anything?” Kay sobbed into Spencer’s chest and shook her head then said, “He said who he was and I screamed.”
“It will be ok I promise.” 

He asked Tracy to take Kay to her room but half way down the hall she turned back to Spencer while Tracy was holding her and said, “This man is a stranger to me but I know he scares me. The only Dad I’ve ever known is you and I hope you don’t mind me asking but I would prefer calling you Dad than Spencer, if that is ok?”
Spencer suddenly had a lump in his throat and replied, “I would love that Kay. Do you want me to tell Jake you are here?”
Kay shook her head and replied, “We aren’t dating anymore.” 

Spencer looked at Mathew and asked, “What does she mean they aren’t dating?”
“Kay thinks that after what has happened that it is best for them to split up and I’m the one that has to tell him.”
“Jake is not going to take this well.”

Hazel met Matt outside the house and said, “Is Kay ok?” Matt put his arms around her and said, “She will be now she is here. I’m just not looking forward to telling Jake.”
“I know she is frightened but breaking up with Jake is not the answer.”
“Tell me about it.”

When Matt and Hazel walked in the house they found the boys having a pillow fight. When Andrew saw them he stopped and shouted, “Kirsten come in here Mr Virgin and Hazel are home.”
“Ha ha very funny Andy. That ship sailed a while back.” Jake looked around and asked, “Where’s Kay?” Kirsten had now come in hugging her best friend, “What are you doing back? I thought you weren’t back for another few weeks.” Hazel never could lie to Kirsten, “Something came up.” Matt touched Hazel’s arm, “I should say…”

Jake voice getting louder asked, “Say what?”
Matt didn’t want to tell Jake but Kay had begged him too, “Kay sent me to…to…to break up with you.” Jake screamed in a panic, “What.” 

He launched himself at Matt and as he punched him said, “You fucking bastard, you are sleeping with my girl while engaged to Hazel.” Kirsten was yelling at her brother to leave Matt alone and Hazel was screaming, “Jake it’s not what you think. Andy please…” Andrew pulled Jake off Matt and Jake asked, “What the fuck is it then because he comes here to tell me that I’ve lost my girl because she is too chicken to tell me herself?”

Matt looked at Jake straight in the eyes and said, “Kay loves you Jake but her real father turned up at the campus and freaked her out. She says it’s better for you if you are not together.”
“She said what?” By now Jake grabbed his keys and ran to his car as he knew exactly where she would be. 

He slammed the car door and walked up to the door and thumped it and screamed, “Kay open this door to me right now.” Spencer opened the door to let him in, “Are you trying to make a scene?” Jake was pacing the floor, “Kay sent Matt to…I can’t breathe.”
“Sit on the sofa and take deep breathes. Tracy get Jake a glass of water.” She ran to the kitchen leaving Spencer and Jake to talk.

“Kay is in a terrible state right now and you hitting hell out of the door isn’t going to help.”
Jake trying to get his breathe back replied, “I love her…How did the bastard find her?”
“I don’t know but I rang the police station and they said that he has been charged with breaking the restraining order and assault.” Jake yelled, “What assault?”
“Jake it’s not my place to say but if Kay wants to tell you then it is up to her.”
“Where is she? I need to talk to her.” 

He didn’t wait for the answer as he went from room to room to find her and it didn’t take him long. He walked in shut the door but stayed where he was and said, “How are you doing?” 

Still curled up in a ball she replied, “Ok I guess. I take it Matt told you my message?”
“He did and I’ve come to say I’m not accepting the message. Let me help you through this?”
“I’m damaged goods now after him. So I think it is better we call it a day.” 

Jake now wasn’t thinking straight as he went over to Kay. He wanted to hold her, telling her it was ok but he knew that wasn’t a good idea, “Baby, please let me help you. I can go at your pace just please…” Kay interrupted him, “We had a good run but I’m in a place right now that you can’t be a part of, so this is goodbye.” Jake looked her in the eye and holding back the tears said, “It can’t be goodbye.” 

He got up and made his way towards the door and added, “I know you Kay and you are strong. You once asked if I’d be there for you, well in answer to your question, I am here. If you need to be here with Spencer then I get that but I’m only a call away.”


  1. Hmmm,,,, Kay .... hmmm... she sent Jake away.... was it for his safety? Doesn't she know that he has a group of pretty tough vampires on his side?

    1. Zhippidy,

      Firstly I have to say I was in stitches reading this comment, I couldn't stop laughing just had to say that :)

      Kay can't think straight is very confused at the moment. Jake is very torn about the whole thing. Jake knows the vampires because of Mathew but will they help, I for one would love to see that lol

      Thanks for reading :)

  2. ~ I think counseling will be a good thing for Kay,I do not know why it was not done sooner,after it happened when she was old enough,as it has affected her for such along time,that is why she is acting this way now,one sight of her biological father caused this!
    ~ That is how close to the surface this is,& how it has affected her for so long!
    ~ She actually is behaving normally for what she went through,she suppressed it enough to be with Jake,but her father has reminded her of what happened ,& now it does not matter how many people love her,she will feel the same as when she was a little girl,getting help from a counselor is the only way she will feel normal again,as it will help her to make sense of it,& not blame herself for it!
    ~ I know I ramble, sorry!
    ~ Hang in there Jake,she still needs you, even if she can not show it at times!
    ~ Emotional! (",)

    1. Karima,

      Love the essay lol. Counselling will be good for Kay but the question is will she agree to go? Seeing her real Dad stirred feelings she had repressed for a long time. She loves Jake but is very confused right now. She believes breaking up is the answer byt Jake has other ideas. He has never felt about anyone in the way he feels for Kay.
      I hope he sticks around and I hope that Kay comes out the other side a better and stronger person for it. You didn't ramble lol and yes it was very emotional.

      Thanks for reading :)

  3. Did I miss a scene here? I went back to the last chapter, but I didn't see where Kay had her father come back. Are we only to hear about it by hearing about it?
    Anyway, I think it's crazy for her to break up with Jake. Sure, she's probably hands-off for a while, but that doesn't mean she needs to completely shut him out. I think Jake is being very sweet not wanting to end things.

  4. I'm with mypal, I feel like I missed something!

    Moving right along, damn I wanted to smack Kay upside down in this update. I get that she's afraid but sending someone to break up with your boyfriend is NOT ON! I don't like her very much right now and I will NOT rant!
