
Wednesday 2 October 2013

1.51 Idiot in love

Jake grabbed Kay in his arms kissing her with urgency. Kay broke from the kiss and said, “Jake we need to talk.” They both laid on the bed and Jake asked, “What do you want to talk about?”

“Why do you want me to leave university?” Jake closed his eyes as he felt the guilt overwhelm him. 

He moved his position so they were facing each other, “You may not like the answer but hear me out. When I first met you all I could think about was getting a date with you and when you finally gave in…well I fell in love with you.”
“Why would I be mad with that? It’s so sweet.”
“Please let me finish.”
“Anyway, when you said you were going to university at first I was ok with it but when you said you were staying there I had my doubts.” Kay started to look concerned at where this was leading. “When I came to the campus on the weekend I saw the way the guys looked at you and it suddenly hit me that you can have any man you want. I mean if that guy had kissed you well you might have liked it…” 

Kay jumped off the bed and yelled, “What…like that kiss are you crazy?” Jake knelt on the bed, “Shit that came out wrong it sounded better in my head…” Kay interrupted him, “Well here is something for your head Jake Decker I am in love with you but at this moment I am starting to ask why. You think I’d want another man when I have you. Haven’t you worked out that it is you I want and no one else? I’m at university to be a doctor not to sleep around. If I wanted that life I wouldn’t have started dating you.”

Jake got up and put his arms around her, “I’m sorry, it’s just this is all very new to me.” Kay looked into his eyes and replied, “After what happened they gave me a 24 hour pass but I think it’s best if I go back because it is obvious we need time to think.” 

Kay went to open the door but Jake shut it, “Kay, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?”
“I shouldn’t have demanded you come home from university. It’s just I hate being apart from you.”
“Jake I’ll be at university for 3 years. If this is going to be too hard maybe we should just quit us now.” 

Jake pulled her close and firmly said, “No quitting Kay. I’m just a jealous idiot in love with you and I miss not seeing you every day.” Kay smiled and kissed him, “Since you put it so sweetly I guess I can stay until my pass ends.”
Jake smiled and asked, “When is your pass up?”
“I have to be back by 6pm.” Jake suddenly looked upset, “Shit I have to do I night shift so I can’t drive you back.” Kay caressed his face, “Don’t worry I’ll ring you when I get there safely.”
Jake took her hand as he opened the door, “Jake, where are we going?”
“Do you trust me?” 

Kay smiled and didn’t say anything as she followed him. Once outside he ushered Kay to sit beside him and they watched the stars together and suddenly Jake asked, “How important is it for you to become a doctor?”
“I’ve always wanted to be a doctor since I was little and singing was a choice for me and after a year’s break from medical school I realised where my heart really is and that’s in medicine. Mum always encouraged me to be a doctor.”
“What about your Dad?”
“He left when I was little…” then Kay stopped talking. Jake sensed there was more and gently asked, “Why did he leave?”
“Can we talk about something else?”

“Kay I told you about Ava please trust me.” She couldn’t look at Jake and replied, “Matt doesn’t know about this but Spencer does. My Mum caught my Dad naked in my room with me looking very frightened.”
“Did he…?”

“I really don’t remember but Mum kicked him out. Mum took me to the doctors. I was in therapy for a while.” Jake suddenly felt very concerned, “All the stuff we have done…” Kay looked at him and replied, “I felt comfortable with you and I’ve dealt with my past thanks to the support of my Mum but I won’t let it ruin my life. Since finding Spencer and Matt again I have a family back, my family. Spencer when he was home was the Dad I always wanted. Matt and I were always close and I hated it when I lost contact with him.”
“You and Matt really talk?”
“Don’t you and Kirsten talk?”
“When she’s not yelling at me.” Kay laughed at Jake, “She is just being a big sister.”
“I just wish she wouldn’t yell at me…” 

Kay kissed him to stop him talking, “Can we go to bed as I’m tired?”
“Ok but since you are here will you come with me to see my parents?”
“I guess I could but we don’t have to stay, right?”
“Not if you don’t want to.”


  1. Good to see these two working things out. They are good together, For now....heh :)
    Pretty pictures

    1. Zhippidy,

      They are very good together and I like how Jake wants things to work out...for now ssshhh don't say that lol
      Glad you liked the pictures. :)

      Thanks for reading :)

  2. I really thought Kay was going to punch Jake there, or maybe slap him, your female characters are always so feisty and unpredictable. I'm glad they worked things out, and Jake now understands why it's so important for Kay to finish her studies and see uni through. Great update.

    1. Val,

      Kay won't put up with being messed about but at the same time there is something about Jake she really likes. Jake is having to learn and fast because he doesn't want to lose Kay. Glad you liked this update.

      Thanks for reading :)

  3. I can't believe what Kay has been through! Therapy and support, yes, but stuff like that never really leaves you. I'm glad she's comfortable with Jake. He should feel honored.

  4. Mypalsim,

    Kay wasn't sure if anything really happened but yes Jake should feel honoured that she can and wants to be that comfortable around him. Even more reason for Jake not to mess this up.

    Thanks for reading :)
