
Wednesday 13 November 2013

1.57 Don't shut me out

Andrew had seen Kirsten in the pool and joined her pulling her close, “Andy I can’t while Jake is ill. It doesn’t feel right.”
“Jake is fine, your parents cancelled their trip and are looking after him…” Kirsten tilted her head slightly with the look, “Ok your Mum is babying him but Kay is doing most of the work. Talking of Kay I haven’t seen her.”

Kirsten pulled away from Andrew’s arms and got out of the pool and he followed her and gently put his arms around her again, “Matt says Kay went for her first session yesterday and it shook her to the core. Jake tried to get out of bed but he’s still too weak.”
“Kirst, stop worrying Jake is getting better. He just wants to see Kay.”

Jake wanted to talk to Kay and rang her; he rang a few times before she picked up the phone, “Hay.”
“Jake, I was sleeping…”

“Sorry but I wanted to know how you were.”
“I’m tired can we talk later?”
“Kay, please don’t shut me out.”

“I just need time and I’m trying not to.”
“Then please come here so we can talk.”
Kay started to cry down the phone, “I want to but I can’t.” Kay then hung up and Jake threw the phone across the room and yelled, “You fucking bastard, she was doing ok till you entered her life.” 

Jake couldn’t take it and got out of bed staggering to get dressed and almost fell down the stairs. When Andrew saw him he demanded to know what Jake was doing out of bed.
“Kay needs me.” 

Andrew tried to protest but Jake gave Andrew an ultimatum, “Either help me get there or I’ll drive myself over there.” Andrew agreed and drove Jake to the house. Spencer was angry to see Jake in this state and out of bed. He sat him down and went and got Kay. 

When she saw how weak he was she burst into tears. Weak as Jake was he went over to Kay and held her but she pulled away, “Jake I need time…”

“I was just hugging you. You were crying and I don’t like seeing tears on your face.”
“I wish things were different but it feels wrong.” 

Jake was emotional himself and lost his temper at Kay even though he knew it wasn’t her fault, “Wrong…how can it be wrong for me the man you love to want to hold you when you are crying?”
Kay jumped and looked scared and ran from the room. 

Jake turned to Spencer and with a heartbroken tone said, “I’ve blown it, haven’t I?”
“I can see it’s frustrating for you but if you love her now is the time not to push. I know it’s easier said than done. My advice, build up your strength to be there for her when she comes to you.”
“Tell her I’m sorry.” Andrew gave a half smile at Spencer and took Jake home.
Spencer knocked on the door and entered Kay’s room, “You know he didn’t mean to lose his temper with you.” 

Kay sat up and replied, “I know he didn’t he just looked so angry.”
“Kay, he wants to help.”
“I know but I’m so torn. I love him so much and part of me wants his arms wrapped around me but the other part can’t stand his arms around me.”
“But he never hurt you.”
“I know…why is this so hard?” Spencer couldn’t answer and decided it was time to leave her room. 

After he left Kay stared at her phone and rang Jake but there was no answer so rang the house. Kirsten got Jake and he said, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not you Jake…” Kay started to cry again, “Babe, please don’t cry.”
“I messed up everything, haven’t I?”
“It’s not you, it’s…it’s his fault.”
“Can we talk about something else.”
“Ok…how about my Mum is getting on my nerves trying to force feed me like I was a baby.” Kay let a little laugh out, “Well you do need to eat. Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

“I threw it in temper. Listen Kay I know I’m asking a lot but can I see you…you know like a date?”
“I don’t think I’m ready for that…”
“I promise to not do anything.” Kay so wanted to have the date but was really torn and asked, “I’ll come over before my appointment if Kirsten and Andrew are there.”
Jake agreed and when the call ended said to his sister, “Kay is here tomorrow so are you and Andrew.” Kirsten could see how much it meant to him so agreed.


  1. Jake needs to learn some self control with his temper. Kay needs to learn that she needs help if her past is affecting her present so badly. I was angry with all of them in this because the two are not taking good advice.

    1. Zhippidy,

      Jake was very upset but forgot who he was yelling at. Kay is very confused right now but yes I can understand why you would be angry because they all need to slow down and listen to the advise.

      Thanks for reading :)

  2. I love that opening shot, it's so pretty! As for Jake and Kay, things are just spiraling out of control. But Kay really needs to sort herself out first before she can let anyone else in. I just hope Jake can be patient with her.

    1. Val,

      The first picture was beautiful. They are going a bit nuts here but you are right Kay needs to sort herself out before letting someone in. Jake wants to be there for her.

      Thanks for reading :)

  3. I too was angry at everyone in this chapter. Kay needs to give Jake a chance because it might be just what she needs: real love. I'm not saying go jump in bed with him or anything, but she doesn't need to push him away like she did.
    And Kirsten doesn't need to mess up Her lovelife worrying over her brother. He's a grown man even if he acted like a toddler having a tantrum recently.
    That first shot was pretty :)

    1. Mypal,

      I think everyone was angry at this chapter. Kay needs to let Jake in because I think she would be surprised at herself because I know she loves him. Kirsten worries too much about her baby brother lol but Andrew helped convince Kirsten, I'm sure :)
      That first picture was beautiful of Kirsten and Andrew.

      Thanks for reading :)
