
Wednesday 18 June 2014

1.82 An unwanted guest

Hazel hugged Kirsten, “Are you excited?” Kirsten smiled, “I can’t wait. Have you set the date for the wedding?”

“I was thinking of a time when my Mum will be too busy to attend,” Kirsten laughed at Hazel, “She has to meet Matt sometime.”
“You have met her, she is horrible. I love her because she is my mother but I don’t have to like her.” 

Andrew came into the room and said, “My two favourite girls…” Kirsten and Hazel looked at each other and Kirsten said, “Who died?” The smile was now gone from Andrew as he replied, “Hazel, your Mum is in a taxi on her way here.”

Hazel was now in shock, “WHAT! She’ll try and ruin everything.” She started to panic and Kirsten said, “Haz, don’t worry, we will support you. Matt will stand up to her, he won’t take her abuse.” Matt was staying with his parents when Hazel rang him. He told her he was coming home straight away and not to worry.”

Hazel started to pace the floor, talking to herself and Kirsten stopped her mid-stream, “Haz, you will be ok, trust me.”
“But what if…”
“Stop it Hun.” Hazel looked at her friend and replied, “I know you are right.” Andrew had been watching out the window when Andrew said, “Haz, she’s here.”

He opened the door and watched Hazel’s Mum walk in, “Kirsten my dear you look…tired.”
“I’m expecting Zoe and you” Zoe did a twirl and with a lift in her step replied, “I know and to think I wasn’t going to go on this holiday but I’m glad I did.” 

She turned to Hazel, “Now let’s take a look at my baby girl. My darling Hazel, these clothes don’t suit you. It is quite obvious that this man you are planning to marry cannot take care of you. A decent man would buy nice clothes but he can’t think highly of you.”
“Mum, it’s great to see you. Matt loves me and I’m happy…” Zoe looked stone faced at her daughter, “What has love got to do with this and as for happy you need to marry money to be happy.”
“Mum please…” 

Zoe was about to answer when she heard, “I’m Hazel’s fiancé, Mathew Dark,” he held out his hand but she didn’t take it. She turned her back on him and said as she walked away, “Yes I know all about you. I hired a private investigator…” Hazel yelled, “What! How could you?”

“Hazel shut up, he isn’t rich although his Uncle William is rich, and I wonder if he’s single…” Hazel had to hold Matt back so he shouted, “He was married to my Aunt but he’d never entertain you.” She turned to face Matt and smiled, “Maybe not but you have a temper, you are not suitable for my girl after all I can’t have her with bruises now can I.” 

Kirsten stepped in, “Matt adores Hazel and their great together and as for Matt hitting a woman that would never happen.”
Matt added, “I love your daughter and it is her choice if she wants to be with me,” 

Hazel held onto him as he continued, “I would love us to get on but it’s obvious you won’t so I don’t want you at our wedding.”
Zoe looked horrified as she looked at her daughter and said, “You let a man control you like that, I thought I brought you up better.” 

Hazel moved towards her Mum, “You brought me up to be mean and spiteful, to marry an old man and take his money but I was never like that. When I met Matt, I knew I found someone wonderful and to think I almost messed it up but you see Mum I love him and I agree with Matt please don’t come to the wedding and if you continue to speak to him or me that way then you will never know any grandchildren we may have.”
“How dare you speak to your mother in that manner, you are an ungrateful daughter.” Matt held Hazel tightly as he said, “I think I couldn’t be more proud of my fiancée right now so get out.”
“I will be back as I will not tolerate this behaviour.” Zoe stormed out, Andrew and Kirsten left the room to give them a moment. 

Hazel turned to Matt holding on tightly, “This is why I didn’t want you to meet her as you can see, it’s her I’m ashamed off not you.”
Matt softly kissed her and said, “You have nothing to be ashamed of and what you said about me was really nice, thanks. I love you.”
 “I love too.” Matt stroked her face and said, “You are nothing like her, you know that, right?”
“Sometimes I wonder, are you going back to your parents?” Matt looked into her eyes knowing that she was still upset and replied, “I am and I want you to come with me besides Charlie misses you.”
“He is a little sweetie, your Mum won’t mind?”
“No she won’t, besides she likes you and as for me I hate sleeping alone.” Hazel smiled and added, “I wonder how much sleep we will get tonight?”


  1. Hazel's mom is a piece of work isn't she? Yuk!

    1. Val,

      Hazel's mum is someone I'd rather not know :(

      Thanks for reading :)

  2. WOW, what a total bitch!!! I'm glad that Haz took a stand against her, but if I know women like that... she'll try something... :P

    1. Ivorybutterfly,

      Zoe is a bitch. Hazel did stand up to her but will she have something up her sleeve, I hope not

      Thanks for reading :)

  3. well then!
    I'm so very glad Hazel stood up to that horrid woman!
